Handling of personal information
1.Law compliance
We will comply with the personal Information Protection law and other related parties and guidelines.
2.Collection of personal information
When we collect personal information from you, we will collect the purpose of use to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose after it has been clarified and consent.
3.Use of personal information
When we use your personal information, we use it only within the scope of the purpose of use, and do not use it beyond the purpose.
4.Ensuring accuracy
We take appropriate measures to keep your personal information accurate and up to date.
5.Safety management measures
We will strictly manage your personal information and take preventive measures and safety measures against unjust access, loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, etc.
6.In-house education
The company will conduct an educational policy on the protection of personal information for its employees and will ensure that its contents are known within the company.
7.Supervising Contractors
When we use your personal information, we may entrust the personal information to a third party within the scope of the legitimate use. We are obliged to supervise the management of personal information strictly to the contractor.
8.Restrictions on provision of third parties
We will not provide or disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent, except in the case of laws and ordinances. However, it excludes the following cases.
- When disclosure of customer's information is necessary to provide service to customers.
- When our agent needs information to provide service to customers.
- When the customer agrees.
- When a public institution (such as a police or court) is asked to disclose information based on the law.
- When the action of the customer violates the terms of use in this site, and it is recognized that it is necessary to protect our rights and services.
9.Disclosure and correction of personal information
When the customer wishes to confirm or correct personal information regarding the personal information of the customer entrusted to us, we will promptly respond to the reasonable and necessary range.
10.Continuous review of internal systems
The company will continuously review the rules for the handling of personal information and the organizational structure to implement it, so that effective and proper operation will be sustained.
11.About Disclaimer
Our homepage contains the link to the external homepage, but we are not responsible for the content concerning the protection of personal information on the external homepage.
12.Inquiries about personal Information
For inquiries regarding personal information, please contact us.
Toyo Label Co., Ltd.
TEL: 81-75-314-2117